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January 19, 2024

Can the formula “20 over 40” help keep you out of the hospital? In a seven-year study of people over the age of 40, those who got 20 minutes of daily exercise cut their risk of hospitalization for things like pneumonia, stroke, diabetes complications and severe urinary tract infections. The numbers line up with recommendations to get 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. Source Link

Teaching your child healthy eating habits when they’re young can pay lifelong dividends. Help them understand the body’s cues for hunger or fullness and not to eat because you’re bored or doing something else like watching TV. Use child-sized plates to gauge how much food they need for a meal, keep junk food out of the house to avoid temptation, and have them get 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Source Link

That new TV you bring home to your young family should have a life-saving accessory. A tip-over kit lets you anchor the TV to the wall so it won’t fall on a small child if they climb up. And avoid displaying or storing items like toys and remotes near a TV where kids might be tempted to climb up to reach them. Source Link

January 18, 2024

If your entire life is on your phone, do this before you hand it over to someone to fix a cracked screen or replace the battery. Log out of all online accounts and delete your browser history and consider doing a complete encrypted backup and a factory reset to protect all your personal information. And look for a reputable repair shop with good online reviews. Source Link

“White coat syndrome” is when your blood pressure spikes every time you visit the doctor, but there are ways to help prevent it. Sit quietly and take deep breaths for a few minutes before the reading is taken, or bring someone with you because squeezing a loved one’s hand can reduce stress. And monitor your blood pressure at home to compare to readings at the doctor’s office. Source Link

A 529 plan is a state-sponsored way to pay for a child’s educational expenses with savings that are free of federal income taxes. The money can be used for elementary, secondary or college costs, and up to $10,000 can go to pay off existing student loan debt. You’ll pay a 10-percent penalty and face federal taxes if you withdraw money from a 529 plan for non-educational use. Source Link

January 17, 2024

You can stock your kitchen with helpful gadgets at the office supply store. Those classic orange-handled scissors are great for opening packages and binder clips can seal up food bags. A black sharpie marker can label freezer bags and write on masking tape for plastic containers and a dry erase board can be used to keep a shopping list. Source Link

The gut microbiome affects everything from your immune system to brain function and you can help to keep it balanced with a few simple steps. Drink plenty of water, get more fiber and avoid ultra-processed foods with lots of added sugar and sodium. And rather than taking probiotic supplements, eat probiotic-rich foods like plain yogurt, kimchi and sauerkraut. Source Link

You can add utility companies to the list of those being impersonated by scammers who want to steal from you. The imposters will call and threaten to cut off service unless a payment is made immediately. If this happens to you, hang up and call the utility company directly and never provide payment information in response to this kind of call. Source Link

January 16, 2024

Google is ready to help find a price for that vintage item you’re hoping to sell. Open the Google Lens app on your phone and snap a photo of it or choose a picture that you’ve already taken. You’ll get listings of similar items for sale along with price. You can also use the search bar to enter a product name, serial number or keywords to describe the item. Source Link

If your dog could talk he might tell you to stop patting him on the head. Animal experts say dogs prefer chin or chest scratches and don’t like it when you stare directly into their eyes. Dogs usually hate the smell of those cute outfits you make them wear but they love your scent and will cuddle with one of your shoes or a piece of clothing. Source Link

There are plenty of uses for a used tea bag. Dried tea leaves can be a natural deodorant for a litter box or garbage can or sprinkle them on carpeting before you vacuum. Soak hard-to-clean dishes in water with a used tea bag to loosen grease and grime, clean leather shoes by buffing them with a damp tea bag, or use one as a cold compress to take the sting out of insect bites and burns. Source Link

January 15, 2024

The fake job opening is a scam that can cost you plenty. Bogus listings may ask you to pay something to get a job or send you a check to deposit that ends up bouncing and leaving you holding the bag. Visit a company’s website to verify job openings before you apply and search the company name along with words like, “scam” “review” or “complaint.” Source Link 

A ten-second test you can do at home might reveal your odds of living a longer life. A long-term study found that middle-aged people who couldn’t stand on one leg for 10 seconds were nearly twice as likely to die within a decade. Good balance is essential to avoid falls that can cause crippling injuries. Source Link

An old school way to tell time might help you avoid jet lag on your next cross-country flight. A few days before leaving, start wearing a watch that’s set for your destination’s time zone. Using this throughout the day will help your brain adapt the body’s circadian rhythms to the different time before you leave. Source Link

January 12, 2024

A good workout may be the cure for the “winter blues.” You can counteract the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder with exercise, and it doesn’t have to be running or lifting weights. Things like yoga, tai chi and even meditation can help, but you need to commit to doing this every day. Source Link

More people say they’re lonely, but what can you do about it if that’s you? First, acknowledge that what you’re feeling is loneliness, and take steps like writing down happy memories, walking in nature, phoning a friend you haven’t seen for a while, or listening to happy music or watching something funny. You can also focus outside of yourself by volunteering to help others. Source Link

Fighting identity theft means moving fast if you are targeted. Get free credit reports from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion and look for suspicious activity. If there are accounts in your name that you haven’t opened, put a 90-day fraud alert on your credit report to flag lenders to contact you before opening an account and report this to your bank and creditors. Source Link