Automated Caller Experience

You can automate your response to incoming calls using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Automated Attendant systems.

While both technologies remove the human cost of answering and distributing calls, we recommend adding as much of the human touch to those solutions as possible.

That means investing the time necessary to design a logical and efficient call flow so your callers will enjoy a quick, convenient experience. Then, writing and recording greetings, prompts and any other messaging that delivers your most important, caller-focused information, ideally in a style that matches or complements your brand voice.

Our team can take care of all that set-up work for you and update and add new content as necessary.

Torn Paper Bottom Edge

Don’t lose customers to problems that can be fixed.
For details on our Automated Caller Experience services, email us or call 1.800.473.9005

Caller Journey

Many companies have designed their call flow to focus on their internal operations instead of their callers’ needs. That can lead to a negative caller experience.

We’ll meet with your Marketing, I.T., Customer Experience and Operations staff to map out an effective caller journey, select an on-brand voice talent and discuss the scripting of your call routing messages based on best practices.


There are many factors to consider when selecting a phone system for your business, from its cost and capabilities to its ability to accommodate your company’s growth and adapt to future technology.

You’ll also want to make sure the phone system you choose allows you to play On Hold Marketing productions as an endless loop. Systems that only play the audio file starting with the first message for each call severely limit OHM’s marketing power. They also create a predictable and redundant caller experience.