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BusinessVoice News Network

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September 5, 2023

You probably have one of the main ingredients for several DIY cleaning products right in your home. Rubbing alcohol combined with dishwashing liquid and ammonia can make an all-purpose liquid cleaner or change up the mix to create a heavy-duty window cleaner. Or combine rubbing alcohol with dish soap and water for a cleaner that tackles the dirt on your granite, quartz or marble countertops. Source Link 

If you’re going to post a screenshot with sensitive information showing, don’t just blur it out. Often the pixilation that creates a blurry look can be reversed with commonly available software. Instead, open your photo app’s editing tools and add a solid black rectangle that covers the spot and can’t be undone. Source Link 

Buying hamburger in bulk can save money and there’s an easy way to store it in the freezer. Separate the meat into one-pound portions and seal each in a medium-sized freezer bag. Now use a rolling pin to flatten it and you’ll have an easy-to-stack package that also defrosts faster because it’s flat. Source Link

September 1, 2023

It’s tough to be patient when you want to lose weight now, but what’s a safe level of weight loss? People who succeed do it gradually at about 1 to 2 pounds per week, which translates into 4 to 8 pounds a month. Remember that fad diets or highly restrictive eating plans may prompt fast weight loss, but not permanent weight loss. Source Link 

Call it the “Comic Sans” technique for total recall. Research has shown that people can remember something better that’s written in a weird font. You can also use a larger type size or put it in boldface. The harder the text is to read, the more you concentrate on it, and the easier it is to remember. Source Link 

The health benefits of stopping smoking can start just moments after you take that last puff. In 20 minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure begin to drop, and blood carbon dioxide levels normalize in a few days. And in a few weeks, blood circulation improves and lung function increases. Source Link

August 31, 2023

Using dumbbells, barbells or weight machines are all effective ways to build muscles, but how much you lift and how you do it can determine the results. Lifting the heaviest weights with three to five reps is best for building strength. Weights that you can comfortably lift eight to ten times are best for building muscle size. Source Link

Boosting your credit score can save big money on that next loan and these credit card hacks can help improve your number. Pay down credit card debt and ask for an increased limit but don’t use it. And when you pay your credit card bill, do it before the payment due date and the balance that’s reported each month will be lower. Source Link

Meal prep using some key ingredients is a great way to save time getting dinner on the table. Look for recipes that use roasted potatoes, hard-boiled eggs or cooked spaghetti. You can make smoothie freezer bags with your favorite ingredients to save time for breakfast and consider adding a meatless day with vegetable and pasta dishes that need less cooking time. Source Link

August 30, 2023

Memory loss is just one of many symptoms of dementia. Look for early warning signs like difficulty with problem-solving, confusion of time and place, decreased or poor judgment, withdrawal from social interactions, and mood and personality changes. And be on the lookout for increased aggression or difficulty with speech or writing. Source Link

You can teach kids good money habits at any age. Explain to youngsters under 5 how money is used to support everyday activities. Kids ages 6 to 11 can earn chore money and make decisions on how to spend it on things or experiences. And teens can learn about payroll taxes and experience investing with a custodial brokerage account. Source Link

What you don’t know about health insurance could be hazardous to your financial wellbeing. Half of the people surveyed weren’t sure if their health care policy would cover them if they got sick or injured in a foreign country. And seven out of ten Medicare recipients were not informed by their plan when a doctor left their network, which could trigger higher out-of-pocket costs. Source Link

August 29, 2023

You can turn that messy kitchen into a clean scene in just 15 minutes with these tips. Load the dishwasher and throw a wet sponge into the microwave for one minute on high to create steam that will loosen gunk. Wipe down the sink, counters, and stovetop with disinfectant wipes, use that sponge to wipe the inside of the microwave, and then sweep and mop. Source Link

The price of gasoline makes it smart for anyone to take a few steps to get the most out of every fill-up. Start by getting junk out of your trunk that adds extra weight and use a hitch-mounted rack instead of one on the roof that slows you down. And don’t waste gas by letting your car idle for more than 10 seconds when you start it up Source Link 

If you’re in the habit of flushing your used contact lenses down the toilet, it’s time to stop. Disposable contact lenses don’t dissolve and can absorb contaminants and make it through a sewage treatment plant and into waterways where those tiny bits of plastic can threaten the health of marine life. Source Link 

August 28, 2023

Having a dog may keep you healthy and able for longer in life. Researchers found that older adults who were dog owners were only half as likely to have a disability as were non-dog owners. Exercise with dog walks and companionship were among the contributing factors. Cat ownership was not connected to any difference in disability risk. Source Link 

You can take a stand against the effects of binge watching without giving up that streaming marathon. Stand up and take a few minutes between episodes to move or walk a bit. This will improve blood flow to your legs to reduce the risk of blood clots and make it easier for your heart to do its work. Source Link 

Stronger muscles in a count of three might be possible with an intense and super-short workout. Study participants who contracted their arm muscles as tight as possible for three seconds every day for a month increased their bicep strength by up to 12 percent. Like other high-intensity short exercise, tightening muscles might trigger a biological response that leads to better fitness. Source Link