December 4, 2023
More exposure plus more fun equals kids eating more vegetables. Researchers found that offering toddlers a bigger variety of vegetables more often meant they ate more kinds of them. And following up with a fun non-food reward when they tried something new could encourage kids to eat an even bigger variety of veggies. Source Link
Not all debt is created equal. A mortgage lets you build wealth through rising home values and a student loan for an education to get a good job will pay off with much more in lifetime earnings. But debt from credit card balances you can’t pay off every month or an auto loan or lease every few years will have you spending more instead of living within your means. Source Link
There’s more to the cost of buying a car than the sticker price. Paying it off in the shortest term you can afford will save on interest charges and don’t forget sales tax if you have it in your state. Consider insurance premiums for the make and model of car and get several estimates and look at gas mileage for the most economical driving for years to come. Source Link