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November 27, 2024

Here’s a timely home maintenance tip that could save you money as the thermometer drops. Remember to flip the switch on the side of a ceiling fan to reverse its direction during months when you heat your home. This pushes warm air down from the ceiling to better circulate it in the room. Source Link 

Multitasking leads to overstimulation that can cause physical and mental stress, but you can take steps to avoid it. First, try to remove yourself from situations where this happens, and practice mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Also be sure to eat well and get good sleep, along with more movement and a dose of sunshine every day. Source Link

What are some things that food safety experts never do in the kitchen? They don’t assume that a dish is cooked to the proper temperature and always use a food thermometer. They don’t wash raw meat before cooking because that can spread bacteria in and around the sink. And they keep that kitchen sink clean so fruits and veggies aren’t contaminated during washing. Source Link

November 26, 2024

Need a better strategy to quit smoking? Start with medications before you snuff out that last cigarette. Testing found that starting anti-smoking drugs four weeks in advance can increase the success rate. The extra time also helped people get in the right frame of mind to quit smoking. Source Link

How could sitting be a great form of exercise? When you use a wall. Start by standing with your back against a wall and lower yourself into a sitting position while still holding your back to the wall. Try this for two minutes followed by two minutes of rest, and repeat this four times for a workout that’s good for your heart and might even lower blood pressure. Source Link

Your smartphone has built-in tools to help you use it with one hand. Android phones have a dedicated one-handed mode that lets you shrink any app down to the bottom half of the screen and make it easier to reach. And an iPhone has a setting called “Reachability” that lets you shrink an app with a downward swipe to work more easily with one hand. Source Link

November 25, 2024

It’s happened to all of us – you settle in to watch that movie on TV and before you know it you’ve dozed off. To prevent this, don’t drink alcohol during your movie night and eat a lighter meal beforehand or when snacking during the show. Don’t get too cozy on that plush couch and never do your movie viewing in bed, because your mind knows that’s the place for sleep. Source Link

Letting your kids help with cooking is a fun way to connect. Involve them in meal preparation, like adding veggies to a tossed salad or mixing ingredients. Younger children can play with food and kitchen-themed toys while you’re at the stove, and empty pasta or cereal boxes or oatmeal and spice containers make great homemade toys. Source Link

When an emergency calls for you to do CPR, remember these “dont’s.” You don’t need certification, don’t waste time checking for a pulse, don’t be squeamish about loosening clothing near the chest, don’t do mouth-to-mouth if it worries you, and don’t be afraid of hurting them. Most of all, don’t wait – start CPR immediately after calling 9-1-1. Source Link

November 22, 2024

An innocent internet search for that famous pop star or actor could leave a computer stuffed with malware from links that look like the real thing but aren’t. The good news is that the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines have safety settings that let you set limits to prevent those sketchy links from appearing in listings. Source Link

What does that dream mean? One in which you’re falling could have to do with a fear of losing control, and dreams about being late may be a sign of worry over a challenge you’re facing in life. And nightmares can represent something you need to know but are pushing away. If a dream keeps coming back it could be your mind trying to send you a message that you’re not hearing. Source Link

Here’s how you can create a store of non-perishable foods as part of a home emergency preparedness plan. Start with dry or canned beans, whole grains like quinoa and rice, and pasta. Peanut butter is a good source of protein and canned tomatoes, tuna, chicken, pasta sauce, green beans and corn, along with evaporated milk can provide many meals. Source Link

November 21, 2024

Exercise shouldn’t put your health at risk and you can avoid injuries by making the right choices. If you have trouble with balance, swimming may be safer than running and arthritis sufferers should avoid high-impact exercise that can put more stress on joints. An exercise class instructor can help you modify movements to safeguard against injury. Source Link

A simple swallow might be the easiest way to relieve pressure in your ears during takeoff and landing on a plane. Have a water bottle handy and take a few sips, try chewing gum, or even forcing a yawn. The one thing you should never do is plug your nose and blow hard to pop your ears. That could damage your eardrums. Source Link

Practice can make perfect when helping your child learn to become more independent. Pick a task, explain the steps and try a dry run. Watch your child perform the task and only step in if things go completely wrong. This can teach them problem solving as well as how to perfect the task themselves. Source Link

November 20, 2024

Need to downsize your diet without feeling the pain on your dinner plate? Some simple ways to cut 50 calories include swapping vanilla extract or cinnamon for sugar in your coffee or making that chicken or tuna salad with low-fat vinaigrette instead of mayo. Go easy on the barbeque sauce at the grill and use an oil spritzer when cooking with olive or sesame oil. Source Link

Falling for a financial scam could be a warning sign of Alzheimer’s. Researchers found that people with brain scans showing changes associated with Alzheimer’s were more likely to be victims of a financial scam. This vulnerability could become a simple screening tool to help identify early signs of cognitive decline, especially in people over 70. Source Link

Dentists preach the importance of daily flossing but what’s the most effective way to do it? If you can’t manage using dental floss, a water flosser can remove plaque. A better choice may be a disposable interdental brush that cleans between teeth where cavities can form. Source Link