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December 6, 2024

Refurbished tech products can give you the same quality at a lower price when you do your homework before you buy. Shop at an official store for that brand and look for at least a 90-day warranty. Open box returns or “like new” items are usually a safe bet and touchscreen models can be more reliable because they have fewer mechanical parts that can break. Source Link

Hardly anyone reads all of a privacy policy for software, an app or a website, but you can zero-in on important topics with a simple keyboard search. Use the Control F function to look for words like, “sell,” “partners” and “affiliates,” or “geolocation” and “geotargeting” for tracking your location. And read sections with headings like “How we use your personal information.” Source Link 

You can lower an auto insurance bill by dropping some coverage, looking for more discounts or agreeing to let your insurer monitor you behind the wheel. See if the value of your older car is worth carrying collision and comprehensive coverage and look for all the discounts that are offered. You could also sign up for user-based insurance that tracks your driving in real time. Source Link

December 5, 2024

There’s a kitchen gadget that’s a time and money saver and is good for your health. A vacuum sealer inhibits bacteria growth and can keep foods fresh longer. You can also use a vacuum sealer to prepare your own meal kits by combining seasonings with individual portions of an entree that can go from the freezer to the oven or grill. Source Link

Three simple ingredients along with water can make your own cleaning solutions to tackle most household chores. Mix one part white vinegar with one part water and a lemon rind for an all-purpose cleaner, or white vinegar, water and rubbing alcohol for a DIY glass cleaner. And baking soda and water mixed into a paste can be an effective scrubbing cleaner. Source Link

A high-protein breakfast that includes this can fill you up faster and longer and may even guard against type-2 diabetes. Testing showed that eating yogurt as part of a protein-rich, dairy-based breakfast also boosted focus in the morning compared to a carb-heavy breakfast or none at all. Source Link

December 4, 2024

Sudden cardiac arrest can kill in an instant, but often there are warning signs. Studies have shown that nearly half of victims experienced chest pains or shortness of breath in the days or weeks before they died. Such symptoms should always be checked by a doctor or with an emergency room visit, if necessary. Source Link

Don’t click the link in that text or email saying a package is stuck at a shipping center, because it’s probably a scam. FedEx, UPS and the U.S. Postal Service will never text you from an unknown number and look for odd spellings in the email address of the sender. If you’re worried about a delivery, contact the shipping company directly. Source Link

Plastic storage containers are not the place to keep these things. Raw meats, tomato sauces, fresh herbs and fruits are better off in a glass container with a tight lid. And books, leather goods and photographs can be damaged by moisture buildup in a plastic storage container. Source Link

December 3, 2024

Some home holiday cheer could be taking its toll on your web surfing and streaming. Christmas lights can interfere with WiFi signals, so be sure to keep them away from routers or computers. And it’s a good idea to keep your router away from other electronic devices, such as a TV or a baby monitor. Source Link

Two simple steps in the morning could help you get better sleep at night. Outdoor light exposure soon after waking plays a significant role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles. And physical activity in the morning acts as an additional cue to your body that it’s time to be awake and alert. Source Link

What time of day is best for booking a flight? It depends on your travel style. Early morning flights often mean shorter security lines and leave more of the day once you arrive, but a midday flight is a much gentler way to travel without those early wake-ups. And an evening flight is often cheaper and lets you enjoy most of the day at a destination before heading home. Source Link

December 2, 2024

To lose water weight, avoid this four-letter word. Salt is a big part of processed foods and makes it more likely that your body will retain water. Natural foods, such as vegetables, seeds and nuts are low in salt and help keep water weight down. And drinking more water aids in kidney function that flushes excess salt and water from the body. Source Link

We’ve all faced a mess in the microwave when food explodes while reheating it, but how do you prevent that? Turn down the power to 60 percent for most foods and 70 percent for denser things like meat. Stop several times and stir foods with lots of liquid and slice thick items into smaller pieces for more even heating. Source Link

A slim piece of string could help connect you to better brain health. People who practiced daily flossing and brushing and got regular dental checkups had MRI’s that showed more healthy brain cells, and that could lead to a lower risk for stroke and dementia in later years. Source Link

November 29, 2024

You don’t need to drop $1,000 or more on a new phone when a little DIY maintenance can revitalize your current one. Start with a thorough cleaning of the screen, body and case using a microfiber cloth. For the inside of your phone, delete unused apps, and old emails and text messages, and consider doing a factory reset to start fresh with your operating system. Source Link

A cancer patient undergoing treatment will appreciate a care package that’s stocked with these thoughtful items. Chapstick to soothe dry and irritated lips, fuzzy socks or slippers, hand sanitizer, a neck pillow or heating pad, a lap blanket and hard candy or gum are all welcome. And include something sentimental like a framed photo of family or friends. Source Link

You want to make more money, but should you ask for a raise or look for a better-paying job? Changing jobs means learning a new routine and job hopping every few years can look bad on a resume. If you’re asking for a raise, have a specific number and a minimum or maximum salary range in mind and consider whether you’ll compromise or walk away if the answer is “no.” Source Link