March 8, 2023
To finish your next airline flight in good health, try booking a window seat in the middle of the plane. That’s the safest place to sit because you’re away from the aisle and restrooms where you can encounter sick people. But don’t worry about the guy coughing five rows up because that’s too far away for you to get infected. Source Link
Bite-sized exercise might be the easiest way to get moving throughout the day. Researchers found that five minutes of walking every 30 minutes helped counteract the health risks from sitting on the job. Beyond improving physical health, regular walks to break up sitting can put you in a better mood and help you feel more energized. Source Link
You hear a lot about having strong passwords, but what about the usernames you pick for online accounts? You want a username that isn’t easy to link to you, so avoid any combination or clever spelling of your first and last name or the city or state where you live and don’t use your birth year. And be sure the username doesn’t hint at your password. Source Link