March 16, 2023
Helping your child balance screen time with the rest of life takes clear goals, prioritizing and persistence. Start by setting real limits like a number of minutes per day or no screens at dinner or bedtime and be ready to enforce this by confiscating devices. And teach kids to prioritize so that screen time isn’t the first thing they do. Source Link
Make the most of a day off and divide it by three. Spend three to four hours each in three types of activities – relaxation, productivity and pleasure. Relaxing could be sleeping in late, listening to music, drawing or doodling, or people watching. Productivity is getting some tasks done and pleasure is things like reading, playing board games, doing puzzles or binging on TV. Source Link
Could a plant-based diet be the prescription for survival after prostate cancer? Men who ate plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains cut the risk of progression or recurrence of their prostate cancer by half. Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds and more fiber that improves glucose control and reduces inflammation. Source Link