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BusinessVoice News Network

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December 13, 2023

Frozen pizza can taste like the best takeout with a few simple hacks. Start with a good brand and season the crust with melted butter, garlic powder or parmesan cheese. Add fresh veggies and more cheese for a homemade supreme, and use a pizza stone that you preheat in the oven for crispier crusts and more evenly cooked toppings. Source Link

A special kind of 10-minute break can help you clear your head and work better. People who used a 10-minute meditation recording were able to complete cognitive tasks faster than others who had the same break without meditation. The benefits were seen with everyone who used the recording, including people who had no prior training in meditation. Source Link

You can get a brighter smile with home teeth whitening, but there are some caveats to keep in mind. Teeth that are brown or gray may not respond well to a home whitener and whitening will not work on caps, veneers, crowns, fillings, injured teeth or those changed by medications. Source Link

December 12, 2023

Location is the key to getting the best performance from your home router. A wired connection near your workspace is best, and WiFi works better with fewer walls between you and the router. Move the router out into the open and use the 5 gigahertz channel for faster speeds when you’re closer and 2.4 gigahertz when you’re further away from the router. Source Link

The best perks in a new job go beyond good health insurance and flexibility to work from home. Look for an employer that matches 401-k contributions to earn more from your retirement savings. And the availability of tuition assistance or professional development programs can help you grow and advance in your career. Source Link

You can build more exercise into your workday. Start simple by moving your wastebasket and other essentials away from your desk. Walk over to talk with a colleague instead of emailing or phoning and take the stairs to a restroom on another floor. You can also use resistance bands to do foot curls and arm stretches at your desk. Source Link

December 11, 2023

If your wallet is bursting at the seams from too much stuff, take these things out right now. Spare keys, a social security or Medicare card, birth certificate, passport card, a blank check, old receipts and that password cheat sheet all need to go. And carry one credit card to use and a backup instead of a wallet full of plastic. Source Link

What does it mean to have your home fully insured? Most policies include a dollar amount for repair or replacement costs but there are some big exceptions. You’ll probably need a separate policy for flood insurance and expensive items require an add-on called a rider. This could be jewelry and other pricey collections or all that computer equipment in your home office. Source Link

Parents with adult children still living at home may need to apply a dose of reality to get the kids to move out. One strategy is to charge them rent that’s 40 percent of their take-home pay or to double the rent every three months. And resist the urge to bail them out financially because in the real world adults handle this with an extra job or by cutting back on spending. Source Link

December 8, 2023

To lose water weight, avoid this four-letter word. Salt is a big part of processed foods and makes it more likely that your body will retain water. Natural foods, such as vegetables, seeds and nuts are low in salt and help keep water weight down. And drinking more water aids in kidney function that flushes excess salt and water from the body. Source Link

We’ve all faced a mess in the microwave when food explodes while reheating it, but how do you prevent that? Turn down the power to 60 percent for most foods and 70 percent for denser things like meat. Stop several times and stir foods with lots of liquid and slice thick items into smaller pieces for more even heating. Source Link

A slim piece of string could help connect you to better brain health. People who practiced daily flossing and brushing and got regular dental checkups had MRI’s that showed more healthy brain cells, and that could lead to a lower risk for stroke and dementia in later years. Source Link

December 7, 2023

You can boost cell phone reception with some simple steps. Move away from metal objects or concrete walls and get near a window or go outside and remove a phone case that may be blocking the built-in antenna. And turn Airplane Mode on and then off to force your phone to find the best signal in the area. Source Link

When fashion dictates your footwear you may pay the price with blisters, hammertoes and bunions. Choose shoes with a toe box that’s wide and deep for free movement. And find your foot’s arch by placing it on flat ground and taking a photo to know what type of shoe is best for you. Source Link

Recycling can be more than plastic, paper and glass. There are national programs to recycle things like used crayons, wine corks and old eyeglasses. And contrary to popular belief, milk cartons, juice cartons and juice boxes can be recycled and are accepted by many community programs. Source Link

December 6, 2023

All carbs in vegetables are not created equal. Peas, corn, squash, turnips and potatoes are examples of low-quality carbs that can fuel weight gain. But eating high-quality carbs found in broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach along with more fiber can slow down the rising numbers on that bathroom scale. Source Link

It’s a simple step that might save your child’s life. Millions of car seats are recalled every year for safety issues, so you should mail in the warranty card or register online to be notified if there’s a problem with the car seat you use. You can also see a listing of car seat recalls for the past 10 years at nhtsa.gov. Source Link 

These wardrobe swaps can help you avoid turning up the thermostat and those energy bills. Microscopic air pockets in fleece, wool and flannel make them better at insulating your body and wear warm slippers that cover the entire foot. And a hooded sweatshirt or sleeved or hooded blanket can cut down on heat loss from your head and make your whole body feel warmer. Source Link