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December 21, 2023

Fake charity scammers want to tug on your heartstrings and your wallet, and here are some red flags to watch for. They may call from a local number for a false sense of security or claim that you’ve donated before, and may never say exactly how the money is being used. And beware of scam charities with names that sound like a well-known one but aren’t quite right. Source Link

You don’t need a closet full of them, but your feet will thank you if you don’t wear the same shoes every day. That can cause fatigue and pain because you’re always using the same areas of the foot for support and walking. Have a few pairs of comfortable shoes and rotate them throughout the week. Source Link

Losing your luggage is no fun, but you can reduce the odds of being separated from your travel belongings. Use a luggage tag with up-to-date contact information and label the inside of the bag as well. Remove old baggage tags that might confuse handlers and make your bag stand out with a distinct luggage tag, belt or ribbon to prevent someone else from mistakenly grabbing it. Source Link

December 20, 2023

You can beat the battle of the bulge as a host or a guest at a holiday party. If you’re hosting, offer healthy fruit and vegetable dishes or bring a vegetable dish if you’re a guest. And remember that a holiday party shouldn’t be an “all you can eat” challenge. Take smaller first portions and go back for seconds only if you’re still hungry. Source Link

Why should you add a crumpled wad of aluminum foil to every load of dishes? For more sparkling clean silverware. When it’s placed in the cutlery tray, that ball of aluminum foil interacts with the chemicals in the dishwasher detergent to remove tarnish on silverware. Source Link

Here are some side hustles for introverts who don’t want face-to-face contact with customers. Renting items on sites like Poshmark or selling things you make on Etsy don’t involve much interaction and blogging is also a solo gig. You could even make some extra cash taking online surveys that you do solo from the comfort of home. Source Link

December 19, 2023

When you want to begin your workday right, avoid the urge to multitask. Testing has shown that trying to tackle several things at once right off the bat can set you back for the rest of the day. And don’t start with small talk because that can derail your focus on important tasks at the beginning of your workday. Source Link

Just like a dryer, your washer has a filter that needs to be cleaned regularly. In most top-loading machines, the filter is in the center of the agitator, on the top rim of the washer tub, or at the end of a drainage hose. Front loaders have the filter on the front or back of the machine, and high-efficiency washers typically don’t have a filter. Source Link

Most cellphones have lots of duplicate photos on them and they’re easy to find and delete. On an iPhone, select Albums in the Photos app, choose Duplicates, select All and tap the Trash icon. With an Android phone you can use the “Files by Google” app to select Clean, tap to Confirm Junk Files and then Clear. Source Link

December 18, 2023

You can combine some basic cleaning solutions with paper towels to make your own biodegradable disinfecting wipes. Soak paper towel sheets in hydrogen peroxide or 60-percent isopropyl alcohol, or in a mixture of four teaspoons of bleach in a quart of water. Store these in a sealed container and throw them away in the trash and not down the toilet. Source Link

There are ways to offset the carbon footprint of your Amazon shopping habits. If you don’t need an item right away, choose the slowest shipping time like Amazon Day delivery to consolidate multiple orders into one weekly drop-off. And look for a “Used” listing for the item because you’ll be recycling and often get a product that works fine and costs less. Source Link 

When keeping close watch on a household budget isn’t your thing, try the 80-20 rule to simplify it. The first 20 percent of your paycheck should automatically go toward investments, savings or debt repayment. The other 80 percent goes toward needs and wants, including food, rent and entertainment. How you choose to spend that money is up to you. Source Link

December 15, 2023

Here’s how to dry your laundry faster by putting in more than clothes just out of the washer. Adding a clean, dry towel to a load for about 15 minutes will absorb moisture from wet clothes. You can do the same by adding a few white tennis balls, and remember to wring out any dripping wet clothes before they go into the dryer. Source Link 

A home warranty can save money on unexpected repairs but be sure to read the fine print. Some warranty companies charge a service call fee each time you file a claim and other plans may only offer a basic replacement or a refurbished model. And getting that installed may take significantly longer than if you paid for it yourself. Source Link

You don’t want to depend on the hotel house cleaning staff when it comes to these items in a room. Coffee makers often just get a quick external wipe down and that ice bucket is used for many things and might not be sanitized even with a plastic liner. And unless there’s a visible stain, blankets, duvets and bedspreads may only be laundered once a year. Source Link

December 14, 2023

It’s important to know when your personal information is surfacing on the web and a Google feature makes it easier to track. “Results About You” lets you set alerts for when your email, home address or phone number appear on Google. You can also flag any search results that include your social security number or credit card numbers, medical records or login credentials. Source Link

Teaching kids the value of money can be fun. Try filling a two-liter bottle with dimes to show children how small amounts can add up over time. Pay them interest when they save their allowance or have a “no money” day when you enjoy free activities and don’t spend any money. Source Link 

Using that snooze button could be good for you. In a study, about 20 minutes of snoozing appeared to boost the ability to think quickly and clearly upon waking for the day. The benefit was seen the most in those who go to bed later and snoozing did not affect mood or raise levels of the fight-or-flight hormone cortisol. Source Link