January 20, 2025
Can the formula “20 over 40” help keep you out of the hospital? In a seven-year study of people over the age of 40, those who got 20 minutes of daily exercise cut their risk of hospitalization for things like pneumonia, stroke, diabetes complications and severe urinary tract infections. The numbers line up with recommendations to get 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. Source Link
Teaching your child healthy eating habits when they’re young can pay lifelong dividends. Help them understand the body’s cues for hunger or fullness and not to eat because you’re bored or doing something else like watching TV. Use child-sized plates to gauge how much food they need for a meal, keep junk food out of the house to avoid temptation, and have them get 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Source Link
That new TV you bring home to your young family should have a life-saving accessory. A tip-over kit lets you anchor the TV to the wall so it won’t fall on a small child if they climb up. And avoid displaying or storing items like toys and remotes near a TV where kids might be tempted to climb up to reach them. Source Link