November 8, 2024
Many of us have a desk drawer full of old dead phones but be careful they don’t come back to life in a bad way. Old batteries can swell up and may catch fire, so remove any phone like this and dispose of it safely. If you plan to keep an old phone as a backup, charge the battery to 50% and then turn the phone off and check that charge every six months. Source Link
It’s a home appliance you may not think about, but one mistake can make a water heater a serious fire risk. Gas and oil-fired water heaters use a flame that could cause a fire if flammable items are too close to it. Never store anything on top of a water heater and keep at least three feet of clear space around it. Source Link
The “Miles Per Gallon” rating is what most people use to measure a car’s fuel efficiency, but there’s another number that’s a better gauge for that. The “Gallons Per 100 Miles” rating makes it easier to quickly compare how much gas you’d use on a typical trip. That rating for every vehicle is available at Source Link