Customers can be hard – and expensive – to win. So, don’t let a negative interaction on the phone cost you years of future revenue before it even begins. Here’s a solution.
The BusinessVoice Blog
According to a survey, this is what people want from a caller experience. And here are three suggestions on how you can deliver it all.
Your dedicated BusinessVoice Creative Consultant is part of a team that has committed to these five ideals. They make your caller experience better and your brand stronger.
The caller experience you provide and the value of your On Hold Marketing content will both improve when you follow this easy suggestion.
Asking – and then responding to – this one important question about your marketing content can make it easier for your audience to read or listen to it, engage with it and remember it.
It’s amazing how accurate the Pareto Principle is. Also known as the 80/20 rule, it can be applied to your On Hold Marketing content, too.
Of course you want to provide a great caller experience, and it’s easy to assume that your company does. But it’s too risky to merely hope you’re making the most of the encounter.
A lot of On Hold Marketing content tends to ramble. Not ours. Look at the reasons we say as much as we can with as few words as possible.
This webinar was for tire dealers and auto service center owners, but the content applies to any type of business. The subject: creating great caller experiences, especially for female customers.
With so many other communication options now available, it may be easy to overlook the telephone as a tool for connecting with customers and prospects, but here are a few reasons not to.
Less-than-thoughtful telephone tactics may buy you a few seconds of attention, but they’re unlikely to serve as the starting point of long, mutually beneficial relationships.
When your callers on hold hang up, they may never call again. That abandonment means the loss of potentially positive reviews and lifelong revenue streams.