March 28, 2023
When your exercise routine is stuck in neutral, you can get back in gear by getting real. If you use a stationary bike, try riding outdoors on a real bike or step off the indoor running track and into nature by running on a park trail. Interval training with a number of exercises can add new variety and setting a new goal for weight loss or performance can also help jump-start your exercise efforts. Source Link
How often do you need to replace these things found in the home? A dish sponge may need to be swapped out every week, but that synthetic shower loofah is probably good for a few months, as are mop heads that may be able to go into the laundry. Rotate kitchen wipe-up rags every few days and replace that toilet brush twice a year. Source Link
Follow these tips to manage video game play for kids. Be sure your child does it in moderation and also gets physical exercise as well as socializing in person. Have them take regular breaks from the screen to decrease eye strain and hand injuries. And play with them because it’s a great way to open the lines of communication. Source Link