May 24, 2023
Burning the midnight oil is really rough on you. Being a night owl can lead to higher blood pressure, make exercise more difficult, promote late-night eating that packs on the pounds and can increase your risk of diabetes. And night owls are more tired and less alert on their morning commute and that can lead to more accidents. Source Link
The three parts of a typical auto insurance policy each do different things. Liability covers the cost of damage or injury to others in an accident while you’re at-fault, while collision coverage pays to have your car repaired after an accident. Comprehensive coverage can pay for damage to your car in non-accident settings, such as a hailstorm, flood or fire. Source Link
Scammers are taking advantage of the growth of smart TVs and streaming services to rip you off. If you turn on a smart TV or open an app and see an error message, don’t call a phone number or click on a web address. No subscription streaming service or device will ever ask you to pay an activation fee. Email a customer service rep and inform them of the error message. Source Link