July 6, 2023
If you’re prone to dialing calls with your derriere, you might blame it on the voice that runs your smartphone. Using helpers like Apple’s Siri or Google Assistant can make a butt dial more likely, so check the sensitivity settings. And be sure to set your lock screen to trigger immediately before you slip that phone into your hip pocket. Source Link
Setting up for tomorrow the night before can give you more time to make the morning start right. When you lay out tomorrow’s clothes, set a timer for that pot of coffee and get out the pan to cook your eggs, you have fewer decisions to make first thing in the morning. And that gives you time to make your bed and create a calm, uncluttered setting when you come home from work. Source Link
Skin cancer is the most common type and you can stay on-guard by remembering your A-B-Cs and D-E-Fs. Look for a mole that’s asymmetrical, has a border with ragged edges, a color that’s uneven, a diameter larger than a pencil eraser or is elevated or raised. If you see any of these in a monthly self-check then it’s time to visit a dermatologist. Source Link