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April 4, 2023

Spring weather has you ready to join a gym to get back in shape and there are ways to save money doing it. You can often negotiate to waive a joiners fee and many gyms allow free visits so you can try before you sign up. Beware of pricey lifestyle-oriented studio classes and remember that low-cost gyms may be packed when you want to work out in prime time. Source Link

You might fall asleep faster with these hacks to your nightly routine. Disable auto-play on streaming services to avoid a binge that goes well past bedtime and have non-screen activities like a book or word puzzles to fill your time before bed. And finish dinner at least two hours before bedtime because a big meal triggers your brain to wake up. Source Link

Remember these rules when preparing your child for spring sports. Get a preseason evaluation from their doctor to uncover health issues that could affect their play and check that all sports gear is in working order, especially protective items. And teach them to stretch before and after practices and games and never to “play through” an injury. Source Link

April 3, 2023

Here’s an open and shut case for the right way to cook with some kitchen appliances. Always keep an oven door open when broiling because venting the steam lets food develop that crustiness you want. And always keep the lid closed on your slow cooker because opening it will let heat out and change the cooking time. Source Link 

Six out of ten Americans suffer eye strain from too much computer screen time, but there are some simple remedies. Position a computer monitor so your eye level is 15 inches above the center of the screen and remember the 20-20-20 rule — every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Source Link

If virtual work meetings leave you worn out, it might be best to take yourself out of the picture. Research has shown that having your webcam on for a long time is mentally draining because of the pressure to look good, have a professional background and limit visual distractions. The solution is to let participants turn off the webcam without assuming that it affects productivity. Source Link

March 31, 2023

So, you need to find ways to tighten that budget belt and save money? Take a look at monthly bills to weed out services you don’t use and find simple savings like a discount for paperless billing. Sign up for grocery loyalty cards, check prices before you shop and go to the store with the best deals. And earn money by spending with a flat-rate cash-back credit card but be sure to pay off the balance every month. Source Link

Keep your virtual world safe from intruders by taking extra steps on your most important accounts. Check your Google and iCloud accounts to make sure your old phones or tablets can’t be used with them. And set up two-factor authentication using a special app that prevents anyone from getting into an account with only a stolen password. Source Link

The bathroom accounts for about a quarter of water use in the home and it’s a good place to begin conservation efforts. Install WaterSense-certified shower heads and faucets that work effectively and save on water use. And stop using your toilet as a garbage can. Only toilet paper and what comes out of you should be flushed. Source Link

March 30, 2023

If you want to be an organ donor you need to get it in writing. Surveys show that 95 percent of people would like to be an organ donor but only about half take steps to make their wishes known. The supply of donor hearts continues to lag behind the need and most transplant recipients wait up to two years for a new heart. Source Link

Some of the things that power and light your world need a special send-off. Don’t throw a curly CFL light bulb into the trash because the mercury in it is hazardous. Instead, take it to a store like Lowe’s, Home Depot or Ikea for free disposal. And do the same with batteries that could spark a fire if tossed into your garbage. Source Link

Your dentist wants you to know a few things to help keep your mouth healthy. Your gums should not regularly bleed while flossing, and skip charcoal toothpastes that won’t whiten your teeth but could make them more sensitive to hot and cold. And don’t self-medicate with alcohol or drugs if you’re nervous about an appointment because the dentist can provide what you need for a pain-free visit. Source Link

March 29, 2023

Taking steps to prevent smartphone addiction in kids starts with a few basic rules. Don’t allow smartphones in bedrooms because they can disrupt sleep. Use apps or tools from your service provider to filter content and limit data usage. And create a device contract with rules like no smartphones at the dinner table, or no more than an hour of social media use after school. Source Link

A home warranty can save money on unexpected repairs but be sure to read the fine print. Some warranty companies charge a service call fee each time you file a claim and other plans may only offer a basic replacement or a refurbished model. And getting that installed may take significantly longer than if you paid for it yourself. Source Link

You don’t want to depend on the hotel house cleaning staff when it comes to these items in a room. Coffee makers often just get a quick external wipe down and that ice bucket is used for many things and might not be sanitized even with a plastic liner. And unless there’s a visible stain, blankets, duvets and bedspreads may only be laundered once a year. Source Link

March 28, 2023

When your exercise routine is stuck in neutral, you can get back in gear by getting real. If you use a stationary bike, try riding outdoors on a real bike or step off the indoor running track and into nature by running on a park trail. Interval training with a number of exercises can add new variety and setting a new goal for weight loss or performance can also help jump-start your exercise efforts. Source Link

How often do you need to replace these things found in the home? A dish sponge may need to be swapped out every week, but that synthetic shower loofah is probably good for a few months, as are mop heads that may be able to go into the laundry. Rotate kitchen wipe-up rags every few days and replace that toilet brush twice a year. Source Link

Follow these tips to manage video game play for kids. Be sure your child does it in moderation and also gets physical exercise as well as socializing in person. Have them take regular breaks from the screen to decrease eye strain and hand injuries. And play with them because it’s a great way to open the lines of communication. Source Link