July 19, 2023
Hitting your weight loss goal is great but it’s only half the battle. To keep that weight off, experts say don’t ease off on exercise, choose a forever diet and increase food intake very gradually. And maintain the support network of friends, family or health professionals who helped you achieve your weight loss goal. Source Link
Be sure to include these things when packing for that next trip. Dryer sheets can deodorize smelly shoes and a quick-dry towel gets the job done without staying damp. Pack some baby wipes to use when you’re grabbing those high-touch areas and bring a packable backpack for convenience and to hold essentials or extra souvenirs. Source Link
The solution for killing weeds without harsh chemicals may be in your kitchen pantry. Mix a gallon of white vinegar and a teaspoon of liquid dishwashing soap in an ordinary garden sprayer. This will kill weeds but be careful not to get it on grass. You can keep a spot weed-free for good by adding two cups of ordinary table salt that penetrates into the soil. Source Link