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November 16, 2023

There are plenty of places in the typical office where germs are just waiting for you. Things that get lots of touches like elevator buttons, escalator railings or door knobs are hot spots and so is the conference room phone. And watch out for break room coffee cups and disposable lids that might be handled by others as they grab for one. Source Link 

A panic attack and a heart attack can feel the same, but how do you know which one it is? If you have a history of anxiety it’s probably a panic attack. A heart attack is usually accompanied by weight or pressure on the chest that radiates to the left jaw. But in either case, it’s wise to err on the side of caution and call 911 and get medical help. Source Link

What foods are good for your eyes? Carrots are first in mind for many people, but any orange-colored vegetable or fruit with vitamin A will help, including sweet potatoes, cantaloupe and apricots. Vitamin C from oranges, grapefruit, lemons, peaches, tomatoes and strawberries has antioxidants to prevent or delay age-related macular degeneration. Source Link

November 15, 2023

Black Friday deals might make streaming TV more affordable for you. Last year, many services offered deep discounts on subscriptions during Black Friday weekend and they’re expected to do the same this year. To take advantage of many of these special offers you must be a new subscriber or one who’s returning after canceling the service before the sale begins. Source Link

A three-pronged approach to fitness over 50 should focus on muscle, heart and head. Resistance training can delay the loss of muscle mass that happens as we age and aerobic exercise will get your heart beating faster. And balance exercises can help prevent falls that are the number-one cause of disabling injury for seniors. Source Link

Top to bottom and wet to dry is the right way to do your housecleaning. Start by spraying any cleaners you use in the bathroom or kitchen and let them sit and work while you move on. Then dust from high to low, put away any clutter, finish in the bathroom and kitchen and clean floors last. Source Link

November 14, 2023

Cold season has arrived and it’s a good time to review the difference between a cold and the flu. Think “wet versus dry” because a cold usually comes with symptoms like a drippy nose and sneezing while the flu brings a dry cough. Both can hit you with achiness and fever, but the flu comes on fast while a cold takes a few days to develop. Source Link

A good reason to keep your phone on “Airplane Mode” during a flight has to do with what’s on the ground. When your phone is on, it’s constantly trying to connect to a cell tower and it passes over hundreds of them during a flight. This can bog down the cell network on the ground and drain your phone’s battery fast. Source Link

These simple steps can help you save money on food. Don’t buy bottled water. Instead, use tap water with a water filter pitcher. Throw almost-spoiled fruits and veggies in the freezer for use with smoothies. And speaking of that freezer, make sure it’s full and you’ll use less energy to keep things icy cold. Source Link

November 13, 2023

Unclogging a toilet is a tough job that’s even harder without a plunger but there are other ways to get your flush back. Pour in a half-cup of liquid dish soap or chop up a bar of hand soap to lubricate the clogged pipe. You can follow that with a bucket of hot bath water. Pour it in holding the bucket at waist level to let the force of gravity do the work. Source Link

When your budget is hit by inflation it’s important to look for smart ways you can save money. Don’t pay a monthly service fee for a checking account or fees for using an out-of-network ATM. Review credit card statements and cancel any services you don’t use. And hit the pause button for 24 hours before purchasing something big that’s on sale to see if that excitement about getting a deal wears off. Source Link 

A yard sale deal is great but some bargain items shouldn’t make it home with you. Don’t buy a baby car seat second-hand because those come with an expiration date and may not be safe anymore. Likewise, a bike helmet may have been through an accident and can no longer protect you properly. Source Link

November 10, 2023

There are many things that offer quality and a better price when bought used. Jewelry, musical instruments, office furniture and bicycles can be fine when they’re used. And fitness equipment, computers and laptops, and clothes for special occasions are also great second-hand choices. Source Link 

The DASH diet is top-rated for heart health and lowering blood pressure, but what’s in this plan? A typical person eating 2,000 calories a day would need 6 to 8 daily servings of grains, 4 to 5 servings of vegetables, 4 to 5 servings of fruits, 2 to 3 servings of low-fat or fat-free dairy, plus 2 to 3 servings of fats and oils. Sweets are limited to one serving a day. Source Link 

Your hand will thank you if you break this habit when holding your phone. Balancing the phone with your pinkie on the back can cause painful compression of a nerve that runs from your armpit to your elbow and into your hand. Avoid that bad balancing act by using a pop-out holder and take breaks from scrolling to rest the muscles in your fingers. Source Link

November 9, 2023

Preparing to paint means taping off those edges for a neat job, but how do you keep from getting paint on something round like a doorknob? Wrap it in aluminum foil. It’s a snap to get a perfect fit and the foil can be removed easily after the paint has dried. Source Link 

Be sure to pace yourself when you’re ready to add more fiber to your diet. Natural fiber found in fresh fruits, leafy raw greens, nuts, beans, whole grain bread, brown rice or even popcorn can help you feel full without adding all those calories. But ramping up your fiber intake too fast can be tough on your digestive system, so add more fiber gradually each day. Source Link 

You may want to do a bit of housecleaning when checking into a hotel. Bring some antiseptic wipes and target the high-touch spots, like the TV remote, light switches, coffee maker and handles on the dresser, door, fridge and toilet. And here’s a bonus tip – protect your feet by packing a pair of flip flops for wearing when you’re in the hotel room. Source Link