November 16, 2023
There are plenty of places in the typical office where germs are just waiting for you. Things that get lots of touches like elevator buttons, escalator railings or door knobs are hot spots and so is the conference room phone. And watch out for break room coffee cups and disposable lids that might be handled by others as they grab for one. Source Link
A panic attack and a heart attack can feel the same, but how do you know which one it is? If you have a history of anxiety it’s probably a panic attack. A heart attack is usually accompanied by weight or pressure on the chest that radiates to the left jaw. But in either case, it’s wise to err on the side of caution and call 911 and get medical help. Source Link
What foods are good for your eyes? Carrots are first in mind for many people, but any orange-colored vegetable or fruit with vitamin A will help, including sweet potatoes, cantaloupe and apricots. Vitamin C from oranges, grapefruit, lemons, peaches, tomatoes and strawberries has antioxidants to prevent or delay age-related macular degeneration. Source Link