June 27, 2024
That rental ride on your next vacation doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Booking your rental car early is one way to save money but don’t pre-pay because you might find a better deal later. Consider if you want to buy separate insurance or have an accident show up on your own policy and take photos of any scratches or damage on the vehicle that you find before you head out. Source Link
An IRS program to file your federal income tax return for free is going nationwide. The Direct File system that was tested in a dozen states will be available for all eligible filers for 2024 returns. Direct File works with a smartphone, laptop, tablet or desktop computer to complete your federal return for free and get a refund via direct deposit. Source Link
Is your homeowners insurance carrier flying high to check up on you before renewal? Some companies are using drones to look for things like an old roof that could leak or new features such as a pool or trampoline that can raise the risk of an at-home accident. The good news is that you can always compare coverage from other carriers if this happens to you. Source Link