August 9, 2024
How do you prioritize cleaning if you have just a few minutes to do it before guests arrive? Cut the visible clutter by putting things into a laundry basket that you can stash, fluff up couch pillows and quickly wipe down visible surfaces like a kitchen countertop, a bathroom vanity or mirrors. And give your place the scent of clean by lighting a lemon or orange-infused candle. Source Link
Asking Siri, Alexa or another voice assistant for quick directions on how to do CPR could have a deadly outcome. Testing found that nearly half of responses were unrelated to performing CPR, only one-third provided CPR instructions and only one in ten gave verbal directions. The best option is to call 9-1-1 and ask the emergency dispatcher for directions on how to do CPR. Source Link
Trying to earn rewards points or cash back by paying your rent using a credit card could be more expensive than you think. Putting your rent payment on plastic increases the risk of ballooning debt if you don’t pay the entire card balance each month and landlords can charge a service fee for using a card. And that rent payment may be late unless you allow time for the credit charge to clear before the due date. Source Link