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October 7, 2024

This trick will help you cut clutter by managing the in’s and out’s of things in your home. With each new thing that comes to stay, you’ll get rid of one other thing. Having a designated “outbox” for the items you’ll donate or give away helps you keep the habit. Source Link

Living like it’s the old days before we had cell phones might be a good way to deal with today’s distractions. Smartphones can interrupt you with constant notifications, so turn those off whenever possible. While you’re at it, put away that phone for occasional breaks throughout the day because just the sight of it can raise anxiety and prompt you to pick it up. Source Link

To sleep or not to sleep – that’s the question on an airline flight. An overnight red-eye is a good time to sleep and watching a movie or listening to music can sometimes help you doze off. If you can sleep when you arrive, bring some work on the flight to occupy your brain. Either way, pack some good earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to reduce distractions. Source Link

October 4, 2024

You may want to do a bit of housecleaning when checking into a hotel. Bring some antiseptic wipes and target the high-touch spots, like the TV remote, light switches, coffee maker and handles on the dresser, door, fridge and toilet. And here’s a bonus tip – protect your feet by packing a pair of flip flops for wearing when you’re in the hotel room. Source Link

These simple steps can help you save money on food. Don’t buy bottled water. Instead, use tap water with a water filter pitcher. Throw almost-spoiled fruits and veggies in the freezer for use with smoothies. And speaking of that freezer, make sure it’s full and you’ll use less energy to keep things icy cold. Source Link 

All carbs in vegetables are not created equal. Peas, corn, squash, turnips and potatoes are examples of low-quality carbs that can fuel weight gain. But eating high-quality carbs found in broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms and spinach along with more fiber can slow down the rising numbers on that bathroom scale. Source Link

October 3, 2024

You clean out the trunk of your car when selling it but have you swept up your personal data? Before you go to the dealer for that trade-in, be sure to disconnect your phone from the car’s Bluetooth and delete your contacts, maps and address data. And remember to delete any garage door opener codes that were stored by the vehicle. Source Link

Taking on someone else’s debt is never a good idea. Cosigning a loan means you’re responsible for repaying all of it if the main borrower doesn’t and the debt goes on your credit report. Instead of cosigning a loan, help someone find a loan for people with a lower credit score or find ways for them to improve their credit score. Source Link

Some common home fire safety products come with an expiration date. Smoke detectors should be tested every few months and replaced after 10 years from the date of manufacture that’s stamped on the product label. And disposable fire extinguishers have a shelf life of 10 to 12 years, while rechargeable models should be inspected and refilled every six years. Source Link

October 2, 2024

The physical strain that comes from too much screen time might be cured in the blink of an eye. Typically, a person blinks about 30 times per minute but that can drop to just a few times per minute when focusing on a screen. One solution might be the “20-20-20” rule — every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds at something that’s 20 feet away. Source Link

Kitty litter has uses around the home beyond the litter box. A 50-50 mix with potting soil can help hold moisture for plants. Use a shaker container of kitty litter to remove odors in a refrigerator or sprinkle litter to absorb liquid spills like motor oil on the garage floor. You can even fill a larger sandwich bag with kitty litter and slip that into an old sock to make a door stopper. Source Link

You need to use sunscreen every day because other things you put on your skin could make it more sensitive to UV radiation that causes a sunburn. Anti-aging makeup products with alpha and beta hydroxy acids remove skin layers and increase the risk of sunburn, and makeup with built-in sunscreen doesn’t provide enough protection. Source Link

October 1, 2024

Noise can be a health concern, even when you’re not awake. Your auditory system doesn’t shut off while you’re asleep and loud noises can cause spikes in blood pressure, even if they don’t wake you up. Earplugs, noise-canceling earphones, or white noise such as a fan can help to smooth your way to better sleep. Source Link

Goodwill is a favorite thrift store and you can save even more money with these tips. Shop stores in different neighborhoods because items may be donated one place but sold in another, and look for discounted Goodwill gift cards on websites like Gift Card Granny, Rise or eBay. And use frequent shopper reward cards or shop on days with discounts, like a Senior Citizens Day. Source Link 

What are some hotspots in your home where germs can linger and make you sick? Running a garbage disposal can send bacteria into the air, so use a disinfecting cleaner in your sink. Frequently clean pet food and water bowls that can be a breeding ground for mold and bacteria. And wash bed sheets weekly in hot water to get rid of dust mites and bacteria. Source Link

September 30, 2024

Follow this simple rule to reduce clutter in your home – touch it once. Clutter often comes from holding on to things that need action, so stand by the recycling bin with your handful of mail as you sort it or sign kid’s permission slips as soon as they come. This can cut down on paper clutter and take-upstairs clutter. Source Link

A few changes in what you buy can be good for the planet and save you money. Instead of single use plastic water bottles, sandwich baggies and straws, find non disposable products you can wash and reuse. Store documents in the cloud instead of printing them and send e-greeting cards to save money on paper cards and postage. Source Link

Timing is everything if you listen to music as a part of studying. Researchers say listening to music before you start reading can help with recall. But listening to music while you study is a distraction, no matter what kind of tunes you prefer. Reading in silence helps your mind focus on comprehension. Source Link