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December 26, 2024

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. Focus on fiber-rich foods and cut back on processed items that can drive you to overeat. Plan smaller dinners to make it easier for your body to process food before bedtime, and eat bread last because starting with proteins and fiber-rich vegetables slows down the digestion process to help you feel full for longer. Source Link

You can protect your child from an online invasion of privacy by scrubbing their photos from social media accounts. Start with your own and contact other people or groups who may have posted photos of them and ask that they delete the pictures. Do a Google search of their name to see what’s there and ask Facebook, Instagram or TikTok to remove any photos of children under age 13. Source Link

The old adage, “ask and you shall receive” can work when you want to lower some of your bills. In a study, three out of four credit card holders who requested a lower annual percentage rate got a reduction that averaged more than six percent. Phone plans, cable and internet costs and even medical charges are worth some haggling to get a discount on that bill. Source Link

December 23, 2024

Your dentist wants you to know a few things to help keep your mouth healthy. Your gums should not regularly bleed while flossing, and skip charcoal toothpastes that won’t whiten your teeth but could make them more sensitive to hot and cold. And don’t self-medicate with alcohol or drugs if you’re nervous about an appointment because the dentist can provide what you need for a pain-free visit. Source Link

Sharing time with your long-distance grandchildren doesn’t have to be a phone call or a FaceTime session. You can work on projects together, whether that’s drawing in a shared sketchbook or building the same hobby items. You can also read the same books and then discuss them with your grandchildren. Source Link

There are times when shelling out for phone insurance is a smart buy. If your phone costs over $1,000 and you tend to drop it or have kids who play with your phone, it might be worth the extra fee on your monthly bill. But first check to see if your credit card includes phone insurance when you pay your bill with that card or invest in a sturdy phone case. Source Link

December 20, 2024

These wardrobe swaps can help you avoid turning up the thermostat and those energy bills. Microscopic air pockets in fleece, wool and flannel make them better at insulating your body and wear warm slippers that cover the entire foot. And a hooded sweatshirt or sleeved or hooded blanket can cut down on heat loss from your head and make your whole body feel warmer. Source Link

Exercising to help control high blood pressure doesn’t have to mean becoming a jogger or joining a gym. You can get the recommended 30 minutes a day, five days a week of exercise using your own body weight and never need to leave home. You can even break up that daily goal into several smaller periods of exercise and taking a few short walks is a great way to start. Source Link

It’s like acupuncture but employs your fingers instead of needles to help with emotional issues. Emotional Freedom Technique is a mind-body program that uses your fingertips to tap on key acupressure points to relieve anxiety or depression. To get started, look for a therapist that specializes in E.F.T. Source Link


December 19, 2024

Training that helps you advance in the work world doesn’t have to be learning for a new job. Upskilling aims to expand and develop your current skills, and it’s important for many employers who see a skills gap in their workforce. Best of all, you can often get your employer to pay for upskilling classes. Source Link

It’s called a “baker’s week” and it might be the best choice for planning that next vacation. A seven-day getaway with an extra day at the end for traveling home can give you the feeling of a real break from a Monday thru Friday job. Booking a three-or-four-day trip may not be enough time to get into that relaxation groove. Source Link

Let’s see if your bedtime routines among America’s favorites. In a survey, 39 percent of people took a bath or shower before bed, 29 percent read, and one in five used meditation or deep breathing. About half ran a fan to help them nod off, 29 percent had blackout curtains, and one in five used weighted blankets, sleep masks, noise machines, apps or ear plugs. Source Link


December 18, 2024

What kitchen tool comes in handy at Christmas or anytime you’re opening a gift? A can opener can make quick work on the edges of those rigid plastic cases. Line up the can opener along the edge, ensure a tight grip, and turn the opener as you would with a can to safely open that packaging. Source Link

Spending more can actually save you money if it’s on the right things. Analyze your buying and look for items you use consistently and stock-up. Then focus on finding the best prices, whether that’s watching for sales, taking advantage of coupons or buying in bulk at a membership store. Source Link 

Some driving habits may be a silent sign of a sleep disorder. Always needing a window open for a blast of cold air, sipping coffee behind the wheel, or cranking up the tunes during morning drive could be efforts to make up for poor sleep or even sleep apnea. It’s estimated that one in five collisions on the road may be caused by fatigue or sleepiness. Source Link

December 17, 2024

When you’re getting ready to visit the doctor, be sure to bring everything you need besides an insurance card. That includes a written list of any questions and copies of any online health research that you can discuss with your doctor. And consider bringing a friend or family member who can offer support, take notes and advocate for you. Source Link

Watching your carbs doesn’t mean you have to avoid these foods. Animal protein in meat and eggs has close to zero carbs, and seafood is low in carbs and can be high in beneficial fatty acids. The carbs in leafy green vegetables are mostly fiber, and nuts and seeds are a popular choice in a low-carb diet. Source Link

Finding free WiFi away from home can be easier when you know where to look. Most coffee shops, malls and public libraries offer free WiFi, and you can find it near you by using an app like Instabridge or WiFi Map. To be safe, avoid doing anything involving financial accounts while on free WiFi, and use a VPN to improve privacy. Source Link