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You’re a Few Notes Away from Greater Brand Recall

By Scott Greggory

Torn Paper Bottom Edge

People are busy. They’re also exposed to a lot of marketing messages.

That means it’s tougher than ever to make a lasting impression on your audience.

But there is one way to leave a mark on their memories. It’s quick, it’s unique, and because it’s audible, it doesn’t require visual engagement.

It’s an audio logo.

Also known as a sonic logo, sound logo or audio mnemonic, it’s a brief sound or combination of notes that’s used as a branding element.

An audio logo can help create instant recall of your brand. Need proof? Listen to the quick montage of famous audio logos in the video below.

If you’re like the majority of people, you can identify most or all of the brands those quick sound bites represent.

Why You Need an Audio Logo

An audio logo helps a product or company stand out and can create real value for a brand. It can be used as an element in commercials, on a website, in On Hold Marketing and anywhere else audio files can be played. Our in-house musicians, recording engineers and Creative Consultants can develop an audio logo for you.

It begins with a conversation about your brand and what you want to convey to potential customers. Then, our team works together to create an audible representation of that brand.

For more details, email Steve Evert or call +1 800.473.9005.