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Prevent Hang-Ups with a Better Caller Experience

By Scott Greggory

Torn Paper Bottom Edge

When you call an urgent care center or the airline with the three-day sale on flights or that restaurant where you’ve been trying to make a reservation, you’re more likely to wait on hold longer. That’s because you need the company’s services as soon as possible or they’re the only area provider of a product you want.

But how do you keep callers holding happily if your company doesn’t sell a “necessity” or your competitors can serve callers without putting them on hold?

The answer: by providing a better caller experience.

That means friendly and smart customer service reps, tightly written call center announcements, engaging On Hold Marketing content and, ideally, giving callers options, from choosing the music style they’d prefer while on hold to hanging up and receiving a call back when your next CSR is available.

In short: a thoughtful, caller-focused encounter that respects their time.

According to research published by, two-thirds of callers are willing to wait on hold for just two minutes or less. And the older the callers, the less likely they are to hold even that long.

So, the goal is to create On Hold Marketing that’s so valuable it makes each caller’s time on hold seem shorter. No hyperbole. No hard sell. No one-sided barrage about what you want from the caller.

Content that keeps your callers on the line might include answers to common questions, details that help them make more-informed buying decisions or tips on how they can save money with your company.

Of course, funny On Hold Marketing content can also elevate the caller experience by surprising and delighting your callers. And, yep, many people have told us that listening to our 4 or 8-minute Humor On Hold productions doesn’t “feel” like 4 or 8 minutes.

As with all effective marketing or advertising efforts, putting your audience first is an ongoing effort. But when executed well, it’ll make it easier for callers to hold for you, no matter what you sell.