BusinessVoice News

While chatting with MadAveGroup’s Michael Seay about his marketing journey, Spencer LeGros – co-host of the Your Media People podcast – brought up the BusinessVoice service Humor On Hold™. In this video clip, Michael tells the story of how Jerry Brown and Scott Greggory “were right there at the beginning of On Hold Marketing and that whole experience, setting it up,” […]

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BusinessVoice has been honored again by The Communicator Awards, a leading international awards program that recognizes big ideas in marketing and communications. We earned two trophies in May of 2020 for Humor On Hold, our humorous approach to On Hold Marketing. Our unique work for Lakeland Auto and Marine called “Previously” was acknowledged with a Gold Award. “All Roads,” an […]

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March 5, 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the BusinessVoice News Network. By mixing three brief news stories each weekday with your On Hold Marketing (OHM) content, the BVNN adds a unique and valuable dimension to the caller experience. A decade ago, the first edition of the BusinessVoice News Network informed callers about plans to reuse a stockpile […]

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BusinessVoice has been recognized by the MarCom Awards once again. Our Humor On Hold™ won four times during the 2019 competition. You can hear the winning work in the videos below. The On Hold Marketing we created for Lakeland Auto and Marine called “Previously” (top left video) won a Platinum award. The Binkelman production titled “Time Stands Still” […]

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If you agree that making the most of each contact you have with customers is important, then you can’t ignore the caller experience. And to turn the negative of holding into a positive, you need people who see the opportunity in On Hold Marketing and then leverage it for your benefit. That’s why you might like to know about the compliments […]

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Once again, our humorous approach to On Hold Marketing caught the attention of the judges at the 2019 Communicator Awards. Our work for International Translating Company called “Take a Bath” earned a Gold Award, while the production for Lakeland Auto & Marine called “Just West of France” won a Silver Award. Listen to both winners in the videos below. For 25 years, The Communicator […]

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The BusinessVoice team took three honors from the 2018 MarCom Awards, a competition that recognizes excellence in the world of marketing and communication. We earned a Platinum MarCom Award for the Humor On Hold we created for Lakeland Auto and Marine. Scott Greggory provided the copywriting and voiceover. Chris Zaharias served as Recording Engineer. An On Hold Marketing […]

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In August 2018, published an article called “The Art and Science of Being On Hold.” Written by Damian Fowler, the piece featured input from BusinessVoice team members Jerry Brown, Steve Evert and Scott Greggory. Here is an abridged version of the article. ***** Hold Music as a Branding Tool Nowadays, hold music isn’t left to chance. […]

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Awards aren’t the only measure of good advertising, but when a campaign is acknowledged by several judges at several award shows, that certainly says a lot about the work. That’s why we’re pleased to announce that the radio campaign we created for Ray’s Trash in Indianapolis has earned a third trophy – an Award of Excellence from […]

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If you want unbiased third-party confirmation that you can trust your caller experience to BusinessVoice, take a look at these comments from the 2018 MARCE Awards judges. “The production feels polished and [that it’s] from seasoned professionals. Good messaging for the intended audience.” “Creative way to promote the products without overloading on details.” “Great music. […]

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Our humorous approach earned praise at the 2018 ADDY Awards. The judges gave us a Silver Award for the On Hold Marketing we produced for Lakeland Auto and Marine. We also received a Bronze award for the radio campaign we created for Ray’s Trash in Indianapolis. Listen to the winning work in the videos below.

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As an advertiser, you know that standing out is more important than ever. But the number of channels and volume of content also make that more difficult than ever. We were the only agency to earn a 2017 Platinum MarCom Award for a radio campaign. In other words, our creative work stood out above all the other entrants. Take […]

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