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BusinessVoice Earns Top Award for Radio Campaign

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As an advertiser, you know that standing out is more important than ever. But the number of channels and volume of content also make that more difficult than ever.

We were the only agency to earn a 2017 Platinum MarCom Award for a radio campaign. In other words, our creative work stood out above all the other entrants.

Take a listen to the winning series of humorous spots we produced for Ray’s Trash in Indianapolis (top left video), and then give us a call to talk about your radio presence.

We also help to differentiate our clients by creating unique experiences for their callers. The MarCom Awards acknowledged three of our On Hold Marketing productions as well.

We earned Gold MarCom Awards for the Humor On Hold™ we produced for SYSTEMseven in Austin, Texas (top right video) and International Translating Company in Salt Lake City, Utah (bottom left video). We won an Honorable Mention, too, for the touching piece we put together for Notre Dame Academy in Toledo, Ohio (bottom right video).